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FIRST of all, WHAT IS TURKESTERONE? *turkesterone* Turkesterone is an ecdysteroid which is a steroid normally found in plants and insects. They are responsible for the development of these insects, specifically the molting and growing aspect of them.


FIRST of all, WHAT IS TURKESTERONE? *turkesterone* Turkesterone is an ecdysteroid which is a steroid normally found in plants and insects. They are responsible for the development of these insects, specifically the molting and growing aspect of them.

Turkesterone in supplement form usually comes from a Leuzea plant. Many of these ecdysterones have similar effects in humans, but turkesterone is generally considered to have the most powerful effects.

Turkesterone has gained a lot of interest in the bodybuilding community as it can dramatically improve your performance, gains and alter your body composition.

It has been compared in its effectiveness to anabolic steroids, but it does not have any of the androgenic disadvantages that those compounds contain. It is also considered a “NATTY” product and is not banned by wada (at least not yet).

Core labs Andro Bolic


Turkesterone has numerous health benefits, including:

♦ May help improve lean muscle tissue
♦ Improve body composition and muscle-fat ratio
♦ Improved memory performance
♦ Increased muscular resistance.
♦ Much faster recovery time.
♦ Potentially shows positive results with anxiety
♦ Can potentially improve sleep, cholesterol, and glucose levels.
♦ Steroid-like benefits without having to cycle or do PCT

Most athletes use turkesterone primarily for the aesthetic and muscle-building benefits, but the secondary health and performance benefits shouldn’t be ignored either.

It is reported in some cases that taking 400mg x 2 times a day of turkesterone is equivalent to taking 10mg of OXANDROLONE (ANAVAR)

Turkesterone is attractive because it has many of the anabolic effects of steroids, without being a steroid and without the accompanying androgenic drawbacks.

At this time, there are no known side effects (short or long term) of turkesterone.

The main side effects are unknown. The main disadvantage of taking turkesterone at this time is the lack of complete knowledge

Most female athletes use turkesterone primarily for the aesthetic and muscle-building benefits, but the secondary health and performance benefits shouldn’t be ignored either.

Turkesterone has skyrocketed in popularity in recent months and several shoddy retailers have popped up to sell scam versions. If you are going to buy Turkesterone online, it is best to buy it from a reputable source.

Right now Core labs is making amazing products from MIAMI Florida U.S.A and we were waiting for this ANDRO BOLIC product to come out!
Core labs never disappoints us with their amazing products and this one is no exception as it will not only give you 500MG OF TURKESTERONE
It also adds totally incredible ingredients in a single boat

Epicatechin 100mg

Epicatechin 100mg
Epicatechin is a flavonol with antioxidant properties found in cocoa (Theobroma cacao), green tea (Camellia sinensis) and grapes.

  • It can help lower blood glucose levels.
    It can help lower blood pressure.
    It can help improve heart health.
    It may have anti-cancer properties.

Laxogenin 50MG
What is laxogenin?
Laxogenin or LAXOSTERONE is a plant steroid that is 100% non-hormonal, meaning you don’t have to worry about hormone-related effects. Laxogenin is used to help gain lean muscle naturally, without disrupting the body’s natural production of hormones such as testosterone. Laxogenin does not require a PCT, or require on-cycle support. Laxogenin has also been shown to help balance the stress hormone cortisol, which will improve mood and body composition.

Other ingredients as Vitamin E, Vitamin D3,  Naringenin y mas.


Dosage Recommended

2 capsules a day with food.

Buy turkesterone in Spain and Europe.

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60 caps


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